[查莉和汉娜的伟大狂欢夜]英文名: chalihehannadeweidakuanghuanye
发布于2019年,由Bert,Scholiers执导,并且由编剧携幕后团队创作。著名实力派明星加盟。 并于2019年在其他上映。算是一部挺不错影视作品,亲们,好看的的影视作品也为数不多呀,推荐大家值得观看。类型为剧情 的影视作品,创作于其他 ,具有其他版本支持手机在线播放免费。 Belgian director/screenwriter Bert Scholiers jumps all over the place in his imaginative feature debut. One moment we are in an Antwerp pub, the next we are walking across an expanse of snow, then in a cosmic black hole or chasing a flying pineapple. This is how best friends Charlie and Hannah’s drink-fuelled night pans out after swallowing a magical sweet that changes the world surrealistically – also for everyone around them. The laconic twenty-somethings respond to these events with amused amazement (whether they wind up in a pre-war brothel or are blown to smithereens by an atom bomb), all the while sauntering along and discussing the really important stuff: dealing with exes and relationships. Like a tripping Woody Allen or Noah Baumbach, Scholiers plays with form, using inventive visual humour, colour and black-and-white, switching aspect ratios and referring to silent movies and Italian giallo horror.骑士电影网网友: Belgian director/screenwriter Bert Scholiers jumps all over the place in his imaginative feature debut. One moment we are in an Antwerp pub, the next we are walking across an expanse of snow, then in a cosmic black hole or chasing a flying pineapple. This is how best friends Charlie and Hannah’s drink-fuelled night pans out after swallowing a magical sweet that changes the world surrealistically – also for everyone around them. The laconic twenty-somethings respond to these events with amused amazement (whether they wind up in a pre-war brothel or are blown to smithereens by an atom bomb), all the while sauntering along and discussing the really important stuff: dealing with exes and relationships. Like a tripping Woody Allen or Noah Baumbach, Scholiers plays with form, using inventive visual humour, colour and black-and-white, switching aspect ratios and referring to silent movies and Italian giallo horror.
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星空影视网友:很多地方都可以看呀,我是在 教育电影_教育影视院_教育影视网_教育电影网 上看的,打开APP后直接搜索“查莉和汉娜的伟大狂欢夜”就能看了。
豆瓣电影影评:我其实是想给查莉和汉娜的伟大狂欢夜 4颗星的,但是稍微回味了一会儿,觉得它不值,还是三星半吧。太过美好的童话,纯粹却禁忌的爱恋。去除了所有外界的干扰,只剩下两人一路成长的甜蜜。被两小无猜的欢喜萌的酥麻,被一眼万年的深情震的动容。再孱弱缺失的情节也能忍受,再矫情造作的mv拼贴也能释怀,宁愿做一次贪恋美梦的傻子,在追逐繁星的路上尽情的奔跑一回。
烂番茄影评:哈哈哈 男女主角真是清新可爱,看了之后,让我蠢蠢欲动,好像想早恋,可惜早已过了早恋的年龄!o(╯□╰)o
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